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National Honor Society

The National Honor Society is an organization founded by the National Association of Secondary Principals in 1921. Membership in the NHS is an honor bestowed upon a student. This honor recognizes the student who possesses the qualities of good character, service to the school and community, leadership and scholarship. To be eligible for membership selection, a student must meet the following qualifications: 

  • The student must be a junior or senior. 
  • The student must have attended Kennett High School for the equivalent of at least one semester. 
  • The student must have a weighted cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 
  • The student must demonstrate involvement in at least two school activities prior to and during the time of selection. Future activities are not eligible for consideration. Activities consist of co-curricular and extra-curricular sports and clubs associated with the high school. 

Students who meet these qualifications will be considered candidates for selection. Selection of seniors will be conducted following the first marking period. Selection of juniors will be conducted at the end of the second marking period.

Students wishing to pursue candidacy  must complete an Activity Resume after being invited via email from the advisor, which verifiably documents his/her high school co-curricular and community activities and leadership positions. 

Every faculty member will be given a ballot to evaluate those seeking membership. Each faculty member is asked to give a number value from 1 to 6 to evaluate the student’s leadership and character as it is perceived in the classroom and school-related activities. Students will verify their service from outside organizations for the service component of selection and must provide documentation for 40 hours of community service.

A rotating faculty council, representative of the faculty and selected by the principal, will review the results of the faculty balloting and student Activity Resume in order to make the final selection. The Faculty Council bases their selection on the results of the faculty data and the Activity Resume. An incomplete resume will terminate the candidacy. Students will be notified by mail as to whether or not they were selected for membership. 

The following guidelines are used in defining leadership, service and character:

Students who are selected for membership in the National Honor Society will be inducted in a formal ceremony held in March. Parents and faculty will be invited to attend. Until induction occurs, a student is considered a candidate. To remain a member, a student must maintain all of the standards used in selection. Students who do not maintain these standards may be removed from the organization or put on probation.