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Advanced Placement Courses

Advanced Placement (AP) courses enable students to study a subject at the college level while in high school. The curriculum is demanding and is designed to prepare students for the nationally administered AP exams. Strong performance in AP classes is a prestigious credential for college admission. Additionally, students have the opportunity to earn college credit by submitting their scores on the AP exams to the colleges of their choice. Students enrolled in any of the Advanced Placement courses at Kennett High School are required to take the AP Examinations, administered in May, in place of the final examinations in these courses. 

Students who have gained extensive content information may also choose to take any of the 34 AP exams without enrolling in the AP course. Most colleges and universities grant credit if the student scores at appropriate levels (often 3, 4, or 5) on the AP examinations. However, different schools of higher education, and even different departments within a university, have varying standards for awarding credit for AP courses. 

It is realistic for students to gain three to fifteen college credits through AP courses. 

Individuals should check directly with colleges or universities in which they are interested to see how AP is handled. The College Board also maintains a website with this information, which you can find below. 

College Board



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