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Our School

High School at a Glance

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Kennett High School Profile 24 - 25

The Kennett Consolidated School District is a rural suburban district covering a geographical area of thirty-three square miles in the southeastern part of Chester County. It is located 28 miles west of Philadelphia, PA, and 12 miles north of Wilmington, DE. Approximately 20% of the employed people living in the School District are involved with agriculture (mushrooms primarily), 31% in manufacturing, and 20% in commercial activities. The remaining 29% are
involved in diversified activities such as finance, transportation, construction, public employment, and educational services.

  • Enrollment: 1216 pupils – grades 9-12 (2024-2025)
  • Ethnic Demographics: 1.6% Asian; 2.1% Black; 46.3% Hispanic; 3.2% Multiracial; 0.2% Native American; 46.5% White
  • Free and Reduced Meals: 47.9%
  • Faculty: 89 Professional staff; 89.8 percent with a Master’s degree or higher
  • Calendar: Two semesters, Block schedule A & B, 4 periods per day

Class of 2024 Highlights

School Colors

Royal Blue and White

School Mascot

Blue Demon Mascot icon


Phone: 610-444-6620
Fax: 610-444-7013
CEEB Code: 392005

Dr. Lorenzo DeAngelis

Assistant Principals
Duane Kotz (A-Gi)
Chanel August-Ruffin (Go-N)
Jeffery Thomas (O-Z)

Athletic Director
Sean Harvey

Counseling Department
Sylvia Cintora (A-C)

Logan Buchanan (D-Ha)

Margaret Chase Snyder (Hb-Ma)

Shariyf McCormick (Mb-R)

Michelle Norton Sojo (S-Z)

Counseling Office
Phone: 610-444-6636
Counseling office Fax: 610-444-6132

Kennett Consolidated School District


KCSD is an inclusive community that nurtures, prepares and empowers ALL, showing everyone they matter in their journey to succeed in the world.


To inspire innovative thinkers by fostering inclusive, supportive relationships, and developing resiliency through rigorous, relevant, educational experiences.

Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Resilience
  • Student-Centered
  • Accountability
  • Collaboration