Every day counts! Attendance in school is required by law and is essential for student success. The Board requires that students attend school every day it is in session, except for valid reasons such as illness, family emergencies, or medical appointments. Regular attendance positively impacts student achievement—academically, socially, and emotionally.
When a student is absent, schools provide prompt notice to parents/guardians via email, text message, and phone call.
- Parents must provide written excuses for absences within three days.
- The first ten absences can be verified with a parent note.
- If a student exceeds ten absences, even if some or all of those absences are excused by a medical note, any additional absences will require documentation from a medical professional and cannot be excused by a parent note.
Absence Notes
Extended Absence Note (English)
Extended Absence Note (Spanish)
Where do I send my absence note?
Written notes must be submitted within three (3) days of an absence and can be sent via email, Talking Points, or sent back to school with your child. See the email addresses for the Attendance Clerk at your school below. Late arrival or early dismissal should always be communicated to the Attendance Clerk via email.
Your attendance clerk
Absence Definitions
- Class Attendance
- Lateness to Class
- Excused/Lawful Absences
- Unexcused Absences
- Virtual/Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs)
- Tardy to School
- Absence Notification Call
- Early Dismissal
- TCHS Attendance
- Truancy
Class Attendance
Lateness to Class
Excused/Lawful Absences
Unexcused Absences
Virtual/Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs)
Tardy to School
Absence Notification Call
Early Dismissal
TCHS Attendance
For additional information, including on unexcused absences:
Making Up Work
Your student will be permitted to make up work missed during excused absences from school. If your student feels well enough to try to keep up with some of their schoolwork, students should visit their teacher’s Schoology page for work/assignments, and contact their teachers to make up any missed work/assignments.
Athletic Eligibility and Attendance
- Any student absent during a semester for a total of 20 or more school days may not be eligible to participate in any athletic contests until he/she has been in attendance for a total of 60 school days following the 20th day of absence.
- Any member of an athletic team not in school by 11:00 a.m. is not eligible to play in a scheduled contest on that day without permission from the Principal.
- Any student on OSS will not be permitted to participate in any contest or practice during the suspension period.
Your Nurse
Nurse Leader/Coordinator Susan Steuber RN, M.Ed, CSN
Ph: 610-444-6615, Ext: 30027
Fax: 610-444-1414
Jane Heemer, RN
Ext: 30026