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Health (Nurse)

Kennett Consolidated School District (KCSD) is dedicated to the health and well-being of every child. Our nurses promote student health and safety, enhancing their ability to learn. Our goal is that every child enters the classroom in optimal physical and emotional health, prepared to achieve their personal best. 
Please call your school nurse regarding any injuries, health problems, new medical diagnoses, prescription medications, and questions or concerns that may affect your child at school.

Medical Information for Your Child

young student blowing her nose

Your Nurse

             Nurse Leader/Coordinator               Susan Steuber RN, M.Ed, CSN

Ph: 610-444-6615, Ext: 30027 
Fax: 610-444-1414

Jane Heemer, RN

Ext: 30026

Need a Sports Physical?

Please go to the Athletics section of the Kennett High School Website for information about Physicals for athletes.  There are separate forms and data that must be collected for athletic physicals. 

Athletics section of the Kennett High School Website